Business Cards make a wallet a networking tool!kokopelli business card holder
I love business cards. I have loved business cards for a long time. Perhaps since I was a college student reading the works of Mark Twain or Jane Austen, who lived in a world where people announced themselves by handing over a calling card with their name.
I am notorious for collecting business cards. I have a business card from when I lived in New York 12 years ago – does the number still work? Who knows?! But the person who gave me the card holds a fond place in my memory. We took Eric Morris Technique acting classes together in NYC, for several years. She was such an amazing person. It was so wonderful to be present as she unfolded her talents, growing and learning. Whenever I look at that card, I remember her journey.
All of this to say, there are personal name cards from ages of yore, and business cards – and our business cards for our new office came yesterday.
I’ve been in jobs where I didn’t get a business card, because of budget concerns, or wondering if people were going to fire me (really, who hasn’t been there?). Those jobs felt “less real” to me than the ones where I had a business card.
I don’t need to legitimize my experience with a small piece of paper with my name on it. (Okay, actually, I do.) It’s nice, though, when you have a way to remind yourself that you need to call someone for coffee, or that you met someone who was awesome (or a jerk, ha!), or that there’s this exciting new business opportunity you need to follow up on. Business cards enable all of that – and they fit in your wallet!
By the way, I also happen to have a sweet Kokopelli business card holder that I bought at a thrift store in Spokane for $2. I used to live in New Mexico, and Kokopelli is the god of music and fertility for several indigenous peoples of the Southwest. Kokopelli is a trickster god, which happens to be my favorite kind of god, in case you were wondering.
I brought it to work today.

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