I just wanted to send a quick thank you to those of you who looked at my website this past week. I appreciate your time and interest in me and my company’s success. Your support means a lot.
So this is my first website build-out. It was really fun to build, but when I got stuck, I had a lot of help from friends and colleagues. So I think it’s true that we don’t build things in isolation – we build things in community. My favorite bloggers (Brene Brown, Glennon Doyle Melton, Rob Bell) are always going on and on about community, and being intentional about it. Indeed, one of the more profound life lessons that I keep learning over and over again is that being in community will happen, whether or not we are intentional about it. If we are intentional, it will be better.
So here are the mistakes I made and the lessons I learned in building this website:
* I deleted my domain name on accident, and sent a panicked email to WordPress tech support. I am grateful to tech support monkeys everywhere! So much so that I shouldn’t call them tech support monkeys, ahem. I learned some valuable humility, and don’t panic. I also learned that mistakes are part of the process, and I should not shame myself for my mistakes. I should learn from them.
* It took forever to transfer over my domain name. I learned some valuable patience.
* While my Spokeanna website was down, it redirected somehow to my personal blog, Spokanemamma. Lots of people read my blog in the meantime. I learned the value of being seen.
* SEO made easy is a lie! If anyone ever tells you that SEO is easy, run away! Self-soothe! SEO can be done, but it takes patience, perseverance, and stick-to-it-ive-ness.
* Building a website takes time, energy, patience, and consistency. There are lots of ticky details. Lucky I like that sort of thing! 🙂
I’m sure there are other lessons, but foremost among them is gratitude. I’m grateful the new website is up. Thanks for hanging out with me in this “journey,” and next week, I’ll get back to posting about all things content management.


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